We have useful information like usage examples, technical information, and explanations for using our products.
Gold-Tin Alloy Paste
Characteristics of Gold-Tin Alloy Paste
Introducing the characteristics of gold-tin (AuSn) alloy paste and the benefits of using it.
Low Alpha Plating Chemicals
Characteristics of Low Alpha Plating Chemicals
Introducing the characteristics of low alpha plating chemicals and the benefits of using it.
NTC Thermistors
Basic Characteristics of NTC Thermistors
Introducing the basic characteristics and application examples of NTC Thermistors.
Example of Using NTC Thermistors
Introducing typical applications of NTC Thermistors and temperature detection circuits.
Chip Thermistor Resistance Simulator
We provide a chip thermistor output characteristics simulator. You can simulate by inputting your own parameters.
Surge Absorbers
Basic Characteristics of Surge Absorbers
Introducing what a surge is and basic information about surge absorbers.
Surge Absorber Examples
Introducing usage examples of surge absorbers along with circuit diagrams.
Surge Countermeasures
We conduct surge tests that comply with various standards on the equipment/products brought in by customers and propose optimal countermeasures.