For people,
society and the earth,
circulating resources
for a sustainable future.

Build a recycling system
for metal resources based on
our strengths
and realize growth throughout
the value chain by expanding the scope, regions,
and scale of our operations

Expanding the venous business
Expand the unique metal resource
recycling process of extracting useful
metals from used products without waste
(Resources Business, Smelting
and Resource Recycling Business)
  • An E-Scrap information network with recycling companies in over 60 countries /
  • Highly efficient transportation and the collecting of used products /
  • Advanced decomposition and separation technology cultivated
  • from the recycling of home appliances /
  • Highly efficient recycling technology that uses a smelting system
Strengthening the arterial business
Expanding the provision of high added value
products to growing markets, like those of
semiconductors and xEVs
(Copper & Copper Alloy Business, Electronic Materials
and Components Business)
  • High-performance materials and processed products (copper alloy, oxygen-free
    copper, precision silicon products, etc.) /
  • Global development of conductor wires with extremely low transmission loss for EVs
    and medical equipment (MRIs)
Fortifying the Metalworking Solutions Business using technology and experience
(Carbide Tool Business, Tungsten Business,
and Solutions Business)
  • Ability to deal with hard-to-cut and advanced materials /
    Materials and coating technologies, and technical proposal capabilities
Working toward realizing carbon neutrality by reducing greenhouse gases
Renewable electricity
(Geothermal, hydroelectric, solar, and wind power generation businesses)
  • Technology developed from an abundance of achievements
    and experiences in the geothermal power generation business
What are arterial and venous businesses?
Venous businesses recover, recycle, and reuse used products. Arterial businesses create new ones. The
businesses were named by equivalating the flow of their materials and products to blood circulation.
Tap to zoom
What are arterial and venous businesses?
Venous businesses recover, recycle, and reuse
used products. Arterial businesses create new
ones. The businesses were named by equivalating
the flow of their materials and products to blood


Resource procurement
Embracing both
natural sources
and urban mines
Through continuous investment in mines, we are working to ensure a stable supply of copper concentrates, which are raw materials for copper smelting.
In addition, we boast world-class processing volume for E-Scrap, which refers to waste electronic circuit boards from urban mines. We will procure precious raw materials for smelting non-ferrous metals, including copper, from both natural sources and urban mines.
Resource procurement
Decomposition and separation
Decomposing complex
metal compounds
We have developed the home appliance recycling business based on our mine and mineral processing techniques, which have been cultivated over many years. We utilize our advanced skills for decomposing and separating used products.
Decomposition and separation
Maximizing the potential
of materials
Our strength in smelting led to the development of our world-renowned proprietary technology, the "Mitsubishi Continuous Copper Smelting Process."
With these technological capabilities, we are able to produce high-quality electrolytic copper, gold, silver, tin, and other metals from E-Scrap and ore.
Material processing
and product manufacturing
Adding new value to materials
We utilize processing technologies for materials extracted through smelting. In addition to expanding the supply of high value-added products in growing markets such as semiconductors and xEVs, we also manufacture and offer cemented carbide products that are essential for machining parts worldwide.
Material processing
and product manufacturing
Sales and use
Contributing to society
in every possible form
Our integrated system, which covers all processes from procurement to commercialization, allows us to ensure a stable supply of quality products.
Thanks to this, our products are used all over the world and support a number of industries.
Sales and use
Efficiently recovering products
from markets
We efficiently recover used products from around the world.
By establishing an E-Scrap network with recycling companies in more than 60 countries, we are organizing a system for swiftly securing waste electronic circuit boards.
Utilization of renewable energy
Sustaining circularity
through self-sufficient
energy generation
To cover the energy costs of resource circulation with circular energy, we are leveraging our experience and technology in thermal and hydrogen power generation to drive renewable energy development, with the ultimate goal of achieving carbon neutrality and energy self-sufficiency.
Utilization of renewable energy
  • Venous Business
    Venous Business
    of resource recycling
    Mitsubishi Materials possesses the technological capabilities and infrastructure for effectively recovering useful metal resources from used products. With our expertise in decomposition and separation technology cultivated in the field of home appliance recycling, as well as our recycling technology based on our smelting system, we aim to leverage our E-Scrap information network in more than 60 countries around the world to establish a leading position in non-ferrous metal resource recycling.
  • Arterial Business
    Arterial Business
    Enhancing the supply
    of high-performance
    materials and products
    Growing markets such as semiconductors and xEVs require higher added value materials and products. Mitsubishi Materials will aim to provide advanced products, including EV connectors and superconducting wires used in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), for customers worldwide.
    Additionally, based on the material and coating technologies and proposal capabilities we have accumulated, we will offer solutions that support difficult-to-cut and new materials and aim to shape the future of manufacturing.
  • Implementing GHG reduction measures
    to achieve carbon neutrality
    Utilizing expertise gained by working on geothermal and
    hydroelectric power development and generation for around 50 years
    and 120 years respectively, Mitsubishi Materials will move forward with developing new power sources, leading to an expanded use of renewable energy.
    Furthermore, we will expand the business field by entering wind power generation and developing biogas plants, aiming to develop renewable power that can offset our electricity consumption in FY2051.
Guideline to achieve "Our Commitment"
Medium-term Management Strategy FY2031 ("the FY2031 Strategy")