March 7, 2024
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation has been awarded Supplier Engagement Leader in the Supplier Engagement Rating (SER) conducted by CDP, an international NGO.
CDP is an international environmental NGO founded in the UK in 2000 that operates a global environmental information disclosure system for companies and local governments. The SER assesses how effectively companies are collaborating with suppliers on climate change issues. 458 companies (including 109 Japanese companies) have been selected as Supplier Engagement Leaders from the companies that responded to CDP's climate change questionnaire.
In addition, our company was rated an "A- " in the fields of "Climate Change" and "Water Security" in CDP 2023.
Mitsubishi Materials Group implements various measures toward achieving carbon neutrality in FY March 2046. We work to reduce GHG emissions throughout the supply chain for the target of reducing Category 1, 3, and 15 (*1) of Scope 3 (*2) emissions by 22% compared to FY March 2021 by FY March 2031. We work together with our suppliers to achieve this target. In the Procurement & Logistics Division, we have established the "CSR Procurement Guidelines" and promote a mutual understanding with suppliers regarding our "Basic Procurement Policy" and "CSR Procurement Standards." Additionally, we use a "Supplier Self-Check Sheet" with our suppliers, and based on their responses, we conduct comprehensive performance evaluations, provide feedback and monitoring of the evaluation results as needed to enhance their awareness of environmental considerations.
Mitsubishi Materials Group will continue to promote various initiatives to reduce GHG emissions to realize a decarbonized society.
(*1) Categories accounting for more than 80% of our Group's Scope 3 emissions
Category 1: Purchased goods and services
Category 3: Fuel- and energy-related activities (not included in scope 1 or scope 2)
Category 15: Investments
(*2) GHG emissions of other companies related to our own activities
CDP _ Supplier Engagement Rating
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Notice Concerning Revision of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Target
Corporate Communications Dept., Strategic Headquarters: +81-3-5252-5206