December 22, 2023
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation ("MMC") has been selected as a "Tokyo Sports Promotion Company in fiscal 2023" by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government for the first time.
"Tokyo Sports Promotion Company Certification System" (*) is a program under which the Tokyo Metropolitan Government certifies companies that make outstanding efforts to promote sports activities among their employees and provide support in the field of sports as "Tokyo Sports Promotion Company" every fiscal year.
MMC positions employee health management as a vital management issue, and "The Mitsubishi Materials Group Health and Productivity Management Declaration" was enacted in 2020. Furthermore, MMC has been strategically driving health and productivity management by establishing a health and productivity management system and formulating basic policies etc. headed by the Chief Executive Officer.
Under such circumstances, MMC set its Code of Conduct as "We are committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all our stakeholders." In addition, MMC held walking events using a health support app, organized health promotion events in groups or online, and conducted radio exercises at each site, in cooperation with Mitsubishi Materials Health Insurance Society. In recognition of these efforts, MMC has been awarded this certification.
We will continue to actively work toward the establishment of healthy lifestyles for our employees and their families by promoting health and productivity management and providing opportunities for sports activities.
(*) "Tokyo Sports Promotion Company Certification System":
October 13, 2023
Certified as a Healthy Company Declaration Gold Certification
March 9, 2023
Certified as a Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization 2023
(Large Enterprise Category) for the Second Consecutive Year
March 14, 2022
Certified as a Health & Productivity Management Organization 2022 (Large Enterprise Category)
Corporate Communications Dept., Strategic Headquarters: +81-3-5252-5206