
June 1, 2023

Mitsubishi Materials Corporation

Mitsubishi Materials selected as a "Noteworthy DX Companies 2023" in "DX Stocks 2023"

Mitsubishi Materials Corporation ("MMC") has been selected for the first time as a "Noteworthy Digital Transformation (DX) Companies 2023" in a program run by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE), and the Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan (IPA).
"DX Stocks" program is a system to select and introduce companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange that have achieved outstanding results in the use of digital technology by establishing internal mechanisms to promote DX that lead to increased corporate value. In addition, "Noteworthy DX Companies" are selected from among the companies that are not classified as "DX Stocks", and are implementing initiatives that are particularly noteworthy in terms of their contribution to corporate value.

MMC is promoting a company-wide digitalization strategy called "MMDX: Mitsubishi Materials Digital Business Transformation" from 2020. MMDX is positioned as one of the company-wide management reforms, aiming to improve "business value addition", "operational competitiveness", and "management speed" using data and digital technology. Moreover, with more than two years having passed since the start of DX initiatives, we have reorganized themes and strengthened the organization to "strengthen manufacturing" and "steadily implement existing themes", and are now promoting the project as "MMDX2.0" in the phase of full-scale operation, expansion of effects, and continuous development.

The selection as one of the "Noteworthy DX Companies 2023" is in recognition of MMC's DX achievements, human resource development, and efforts to foster a corporate culture. We are currently operating a business that collects E-Scrap (discarded circuit boards, etc.) from all over the world and recycles them into valuable metals. And in December 2021, we launched a new platform called "MEX" (Mitsubishi Materials E-Scrap EXchange) that enables the transaction to be conducted online, realizing a business model that will attract more business partners through DX.
Furthermore, regarding the development of DX human resources, we are working on "common digital literacy education" to raise the level of all employees and "advanced digital education" to secure human resources who will drive business growth.

We will continue to pursue management reforms through "MMDX 2.0" and implement a variety of initiatives to realize our vision and evolve into a competitive corporate group.

Noteworthy DX Companies 2023

[Related information]

November 2, 2022
MMDX Company-wide Digitization Strategy Moves to the New "MMDX 2.0" Stage

January 20, 2022
Certified for "DX Certified Operator" by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)

October 26, 2021
"MEX," a New Platform for the E-Scrap Business, Starts Operation

<Contact details for inquiries>

Corporate Communications Dept., Strategic Headquarters: +81-3-5252-5206