
November 11, 2022

November 2, 2022

Mitsubishi Materials Corporation

MMDX Company-wide Digitization Strategy Moves to the New "MMDX 2.0" Stage
- Aiming to Accelerate DX in the Manufacturing Field -

Mitsubishi Materials Corporation, with the aim of further advancing and deepening its Mitsubishi Materials Digital Business Transformation (MMDX) digitization strategy in progress since 2020, has decided to carry out a new phase of activities as "MMDX 2.0" from the second half of this fiscal year.

With MMDX up to now, we have been working on a variety of themes as part of the company-wide digital strategy for improving "Business added-value," "Business operations competitiveness," and "Management speed." As a result, we are beginning to see results for some themes, and one example is the start of operation of the new "MEX" platform for the E-Scrap business(*1).

(*1) Press release dated November 10, 2021 '"MEX," a New Platform for the E-Scrap Business, Starts Operation'

To further accelerate the promotion of DX in the manufacturing field and integrate it with the smart factory and other measures that we have been working on up to now and to steadily implement existing themes, we have decided to move into a new phase under the name "MMDX 2.0" by taking steps such as reorganizing the themes and strengthening the system. Through "MMDX 2.0," we will achieve management reform and implement various initiatives for realizing our ideal form with the aim of evolving into a competitive corporate group.

MMDX2.0 (Click the picture to see the enlarged image)


In MMDX 2.0, we will reorganize the themes we work on while incorporating new themes such as GHG reduction, automation and manpower saving with a focus on Manufacturing DX. The major DX themes as a manufacturing company consist of three pillars: (1) Business related DX (such as measures for strengthening customer contacts to improve competitiveness in each business), (2) Manufacturing related DX (such as developing manufacturing technology that contributes to automating production processes and reducing environmental impact), and (3) R&D DX (such as sharing know-how and accelerating new material development). In addition, the themes (4) Company-wide DX and (5) Renewing key operation that are relevant to the entire company support these three pillars. We will reorganize the themes into these five areas and also work on the following three points with the aim of invigorating activities from a worksite perspective and promoting company-wide activities.

  • Strengthening of the manufacturing field
    => Promote more integrated utilization of digital technology with worksites.
  • Further promotion of existing themes
    => Accelerate promotion through measures such as strengthening the systems of the implementing bodies for individual themes.
  • Invigoration of bottom-up activities
    => Establish a challenge program that tolerates the creation and failure of themes from worksites, etc.

<Contact details for inquiries>

Corporate Communications Dep., Management Strategy Div.,
Strategic Headquarters : +81-3-5252-5206