January 19, 2024
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation aims to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 45% from the FY2021 level by FY2031 (*1). To achieve this goal, we are promoting energy saving and shifting to fuels that contribute to CO2 emissions reduction, as well as switching to electricity derived from renewable sources (*2).
Our Metals business, which accounts for approximately 60% of the Group's domestic electricity consumption, will bring forward the switchover of purchased electricity to renewable sources at 80% of its sites to FY2025, up to 11 years ahead of schedule (*3). Naoshima Smelter & Refinery and Onahama Smelter & Refinery will also move forward the schedule by 7 years to FY2029.
Electricity-origin emissions account for 47% of the Group's total GHG emissions (as of FY2021). As a result of the decision to move up the schedule, 8 of the 10 sites in the Metals business will complete the switchover to renewable sources in FY2025. In addition, at Naoshima Smelter & Refinery and Onahama Smelter & Refinery, half of the electricity planned for FY2025 will be converted to electricity derived from renewable energy, and all of it is planned to be switched in FY2029.
In order to achieve carbon neutrality in FY2046, our Group will keep pursuing manufacturing excellence with less environmental burdens, actively promoting the reduction of GHG emissions, thereby contributing to building a decarbonized society.
Corporate Communications Dept., Strategic Headquarters: +81-3-5252-5206