June 8, 2023
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
On July 1 of this year, Mitsubishi Materials Corporation ("MMC") will renew its sustainability management system and further strengthen its sustainability response under the new system.
In the Medium-term Management Strategy FY2031 ("FY2031 Strategy") that started in April this year, MMC has newly set out Our Commitment of "For people, society and the earth, circulating resources for a sustainable future". Then, MMC is working to build a recycling system of metal resources based on our strengths and realize growth throughout the value chain by expanding the scope, regions, and scale of our operations.
In line with the FY2031 Strategy, MMC has decided to renew our sustainability management system with the aim of pursuing a more strategic perspective on sustainability issues that contribute to the environment and society, such as "promoting resource recycling", "addressing global environmental issues", and "strengthening human capital management". In particular, regarding resource recycling, the newly established "Resource Circulation Strategy Meeting" will study the concept of resource circulation for our product lines from the perspective of long-term, company-wide optimization. Furthermore, the former "Sustainable Management Office" will be reorganized as the "SCQ Promotion Office", and the CEO also serves as the general manager to ensure the continuous implementation of measures for safety, health, compliance, quality, and other areas that are fundamental to the ongoing business activities.
MMC will continue to actively pursue sustainability initiatives to achieve sustainable growth and will enhance our corporate value.
【Sustainability Management System】
Effective July 1, 2023
【Regarding MMC's Sustainability System】
(*1) December 1, 2021
Mitsubishi Materials Group Sustainability Policy Established
URL: https://www.mmc.co.jp/corporate/en/news/2021/news20211223.html
(*2) May 13, 2022
Notice Regarding Establishment of Sustainability Committee
URL: https://ssl4.eir-parts.net/doc/5711/tdnet/2126746/00.pdf
Corporate Communications Dept., Strategic Headquarters: +81-3-5252-5206