December 23, 2021
December 1, 2021
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation has established a fundamental policy regarding sustainability.
The Vision of Mitsubishi Materials Group is to "become the leading business group committed to creating a sustainable world through materials innovation, with use of our unique and distinctive technologies" based on its Corporate Philosophy of "For People, Society and the Earth."
To clarify our attitude for actively and positively promoting sustainability as a Group based on our Corporate Philosophy and Vision, we have newly established a Sustainability Policy. This policy is positioned as a superordinate policy governing rules and policies relating to sustainability.
Based on this policy, we have also established a Human Rights Policy and a Procurement Policy. We consider respect for human rights to be the foundation of the business activities of the Mitsubishi Materials Group, and we will work to expand and deepen our initiatives by respecting the principles enshrined in international human rights instruments. We will also strive for sound procurements.
Furthermore, we have established provisions in the Sustainability Policy and Human Rights Policy regarding the promotion of diversity and inclusion. We embrace diversity and acknowledge its importance in creating new value by promoting it as a source of sustainable growth within the Group. To that end, we will renew existing targets or set new ones concerning the ratio of women, non-Japanese, and mid-career employees etc. in managerial positions and strengthen our initiatives through various measures.
The Group will continue to conduct business activities that earn the trust of our stakeholders by fulfilling the social responsibilities expected of us and promote sustainability initiatives for achieving sustainable growth as a corporate group through contributing to building a "prosperous society," "recycling-oriented society", and "decarbonized society," which is our mission.
"Relationships between the Sustainability Policy and existing rules and policies"<Contact details for inquiries>
Public Relations Dept., Corporate Communication Dept.