
November 1, 2023

Mitsubishi Materials Corporation

Established the Transition-Linked Finance Framework
- Promoting Our Efforts to Achieve Carbon Neutrality by FY2046 -

Mitsubishi Materials Corporation ("MMC") has established the Transition-Linked Finance Framework ("the framework") to promote our efforts to achieve carbon neutrality.
Transition-Linked Finance is a bond or loan with an unrestricted use of proceeds, in which a company has developed a long-term strategy to achieve a decarbonized society, sets targets in line with its transition strategy, and may change its financial and/or structural characteristics depending on the degree of achievement of targets. Based on the framework, MMC plans to issue the Transition-Linked Bond ("the TLB") after November 2023. Also, MMC plans to execute a Transition-Linked Loans ("the TLL"), and based on the execution plan of the TLL, MMC is selected as a recipient for Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry's (METI) "FY2023 subsidy for global warming countermeasures promotion project". MMC will continue to prepare to raise funds through the TLL from November 2023 onward.

Background of the Transition-Linked Finance Execution

As for GHG reduction target, MMC has set 45% reduction compared to FY2021 by FY2031, and carbon neutrality by FY2046. In order to achieve carbon neutrality by FY2046, we will promote the development and expanded use of renewable energy such as geothermal power, which is one of the Group's strengths. We have set a target of using 100% renewable energy for in-house electricity use by FY2036, 66% of which will come from self-sufficient in-house renewable electricity sources.
In order to raise the necessary funds to achieve the goals and promote our efforts to achieve carbon neutrality, we decided to issue the TLB and are preparing to raise funds through the execution of the TLL.

Overview of the Bonds
Name of the Bonds
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation 38th unsecured Bonds (limited inter-bond pari passu clause) (Transition-Linked Bonds)
Issue Date
Late November 2023 (planned)
5 years(planned)
Issue Amount
JPY 20 billion(planned)
Renewable energy utilization rate(*1)
SPT (*2)
Achieve 30% renewable energy utilization rate by FY2026
The determination date: at the end of August 2026
Lead Managers
Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd. / Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. / Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. / Daiwa Securities Co. Ltd.
Structuring Agent
Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd.
External Review
Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd.
Ratio of renewable electricity purchased by MMC (including electricity procured by other companies) divided by total electricity purchased
Sustainability Performance Target. Set targets to be achieved with respect to key performance indicators(KPIs)
Overview of Transition-Linked Loans (Planned)
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
Loan amount
To be decided
Loan execution
After November 2023
GHG emission reduction rates for Scope 1 and 2
45% reduction of Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by FY2031
(Base year: FY2021)
Structuring Agent
Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd.
External Review
Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd.

<Contact details for inquiries>

Corporate Communications Dept., Strategic Headquarters: +81-3-5252-5206