
July 10, 2023

Mitsubishi Materials Corporation

Corporate Communication Magazine "WITH MATERIALS" Summer Issue Published

Mitsubishi Materials Corporation has published the summer issue of "WITH MATERIALS," its corporate communication magazine.

This issue features "Securing the Future of Our Limited Metal Resources" as the theme.
The Mitsubishi Materials Group has set Our Commitment of "For people, society and the earth, circulating resources for a sustainable future" as our target for 2030, and the path our company must follow to fulfill Our Commitment is shown in the Medium-term Management Strategy FY2031 (FY2031 Strategy) launched in April 2023. This issue focuses on the expansion of resource circulation, which we have identified as one of the business areas to focus on in the FY2031 Strategy. We also introduce how we can contribute to society through resource circulation, and how our employees continue to take on the challenge of achieving the targets of the FY2031 Strategy.

In addition to the feature articles, the magazine covers the following contents.

  • Visiting a Town with MM:
    Introduces Asago City, Hyogo Prefecture, a town where the Ikuno Plant, which has been responsible for the maintenance of closed mines and tin smelting for many years, is located
    Introduces our employee who aims to build a sustainable future from the frontlines of research and development
  • The Power of Materials Builds Society:
    Introduces products that protect electronic devices used in solar power generation and other applications from damage caused by lightning strikes
  • The Secrets of Materials:
    Explains the secret of the Al-Rich (aluminum-rich) coating that supports abrasion resistance and thermal shock resistance of cutting tools
    Introduces major topics from the April to July period
  • Forests and Materials:
    Introduces the thoughts of the guardians to preserve the bountiful nature for the next generation

Through "WITH MATERIALS," we will continue to deliver information that will facilitate a deeper understanding of the Mitsubishi Materials Group.


Follow the link below to view "WITH MATERIALS." We hope you find it interesting.

In addition, in order to deliver information about Mitsubishi Materials that you, our readers, are interested in, we would like your feedback. Please let us know your opinions and impressions about this magazine by filling out the questionnaire below (time required: about 5 minutes).

<Contact details for inquiries>

Corporate Communications Dept., Strategic Headquarters : +81-3-5252-5206