
March 30, 2023

March 24, 2023

Mitsubishi Materials Corporation

Acquisition of the International Initiative Science Based Targets (SBT) Certification

Mitsubishi Materials Corporation has received SBT certification from the SBT Initiative(*1), an international organization that certifies Science Based Targets (SBT) that are greenhouse gas emission reduction targets scientifically consistent with the goals set forth in the Paris Agreement(*2).

Science Based Targets (SBT)

Based on the corporate philosophy "For People, Society and the Earth," our Group plans and promotes strategic initiatives to address the risks and opportunities associated with global warming in conjunction with the company-wide management strategy. With the goal of achieving carbon neutrality by FY2046, we are working to develop and expand the use of renewable energy, including geothermal power generation, which is one of our strengths, while conserving energy at our manufacturing sites and improving technology and equipment to reduce greenhouse gas (hereinafter "GHG") emissions. We aim to use renewable energy for 100% of our electricity needs in FY2036 and to achieve the generation of as much electricity as we consume from renewable sources in FY2051.
Following this certification, we will continue to ensure we perform manufacturing that considers the reduction of its environmental impact and actively promote the reduction of GHG emissions to further contribute to achieving a decarbonized society.

The SBT Initiative is an international initiative that encourages companies to set science-based GHG emission reduction targets to achieve the Paris Agreement targets. Established in 2015 jointly by four organizations: CDP, which is an NGO involved in environmental information disclosure, United Nations Global Compact, World Resources Institute (WRI) and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
Paris Agreement aims to limit global temperature increase to well below 2℃ above pre-industrial levels, and also to 1.5℃.

SBT-certified GHG emission reduction targets (submitted in July 2022 based on the business categories as of April 2022)

  • Scope 1 + 2 reduction target (*3): 42% reduction in FY2031 from the FY2021 level
  • Scope 3 reduction target (*4): 13% reduction of emissions for Categories 1, 3 and 15 (*5) in FY2031 from the FY2021 level
Scope 1 is direct GHG emissions by the business operator, Scope 2 is indirect GHG emissions resulting from the use of energy supplied by other companies.
GHG emissions of the entire supply chain excluding Scope 1 and 2.
Category 1: Purchased goods and services, Category 3: Fuel and energy-related activities not covered by Scope 1 and 2, Category 15: GHG emissions associated with investments

The current GHG reduction targets are shown below, as announced on February 10, 2023 (*6).

  • Scope 1 + 2 reduction target: 47% or more reduction in FY2031 from the FY2021 level
  • Scope 3 reduction target: 13% or more reduction of emissions for Categories 1, 3 and 15 in FY2031 from the FY2021 level
Press release dated February 10, 2023 "Notice Concerning Revision of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Target and
Scenario Analysis of Climate-Related Risks and Opportunities - Investing Approximately 40 Billion Yen to Raise Greenhouse Gas Reduction Target -"

[Related release]
July 19, 2022
Application for the International Initiative Science Based Targets Certification

December 13, 2021
Notice Concerning Revision of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Target
- Aiming to Achieve Carbon Neutrality Five Years Earlier than the Original Goal -

<Contact details for inquiries>

Corporate Communications Dep., Management Strategy Div.,
Strategic Headquarters : +81-3-5252-5206