
September 15, 2022

September 7, 2022

Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
The National University Corporation Tokyo Institute of Technology

Mitsubishi Materials and Tokyo Institute of Technology established
Mitsubishi Materials Sustainability Innovation Collaborative Research Cluster

Mitsubishi Materials Corporation (CEO: Naoki Ono, hereinafter "Mitsubishi Materials") and the National University Corporation Tokyo Institute of Technology (President: Kazuya Masu, hereinafter "Tokyo Institute of Technology") have established the Mitsubishi Materials Sustainability Innovation Collaborative Research Cluster with the support of the Tokyo Institute of Technology Open Innovation Platform to conduct research on innovative materials and processes that contribute to a sustainable society.

The Collaborative Research Cluster will conduct joint research on composite materials, next-generation batteries, CO2 utilization and so on by combining the extensive and advanced knowledge of materials possessed by Tokyo Institute of Technology with Mitsubishi Materials' accumulated materials technology and know-how on recycling and other processes relating to non-ferrous metals, particularly copper. By leveraging the strengths of the two organizations to address issues that would have been difficult to address in independent research, the Collaborative Research Cluster aims to create innovative materials and processes, etc. based on the keyword Green Transformation (GX), which contributes to a sustainable society.
The two organizations have so far conducted joint research in various fields and, in conjunction with the establishment of the Collaborative Research Cluster, Mitsubishi Materials will participate in the Green Transformation Initiative at Tokyo Tech (Tokyo Tech GXI)(*) to accelerate GX research and further strengthen collaboration for social implementation.

(*) FY2022 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT) Project for Education and Research Organization Reform (Organization Improvement) to promote open innovation activities for Green Transformation.

Mitsubishi Materials and Tokyo Institute of Technology will utilize this Collaborative Research Cluster to promote technological development while actively incorporating cutting-edge technologies and contribute to the building of a prosperous society.

Photo of the signing ceremony

From left: Makoto Shibata, Managing Executive Officer, Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
and Kazuya Masu, President, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Outline of the Mitsubishi Materials Sustainability Innovation Collaborative Research Cluster

Name Mitsubishi Materials Sustainability Innovation Collaborative Research Cluster
Address Room 401 Ookayama North Bldg. 1, Ookayama Campus
2-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo
Period of implementation September 7, 2022 to March 31, 2026
Research subjects Materials and processes related to composite materials, next-generation batteries, CO2 utilization, renewable energy, recycling and reuse, etc.
Head of the Collaborative Research Cluster
Yukitaka Kato
(Professor/Director of the Laboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research, National University Corporation Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Vice Head of the Collaborative Research Cluster
Takeshi Isobe
(General Manager, Monozukuri and R&D Strategy Div., Mitsubishi Materials Corporation)

Tokyo Institute of Technology Collaborative Research Cluster System

Tokyo Institute of Technology's Collaborative Research Cluster has established the Research Planning Office within it to "stay close to corporate needs" and develop new research themes as well as pursue existing ones for the purpose of realizing a place for sustainable collaboration. For more information about the Tokyo Institute of Technology Open Innovation Platform, please visit the website at

Reference: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology "Open Innovation System Development Project"

<Contact details for inquiries>

Corporate Communications Dep., Management Strategy Div.,
Strategic Headquarters, Mitsubishi Materials Corporation

Public Relations Section, General Affairs Department
The National University Corporation Tokyo Institute of Technology