
June 6, 2022

May 27, 2022

Mitsubishi Materials Corporation

Cooperation with a Demonstration Project for Certifying "Natural Symbiosis Sites (Tentative Name)" - Contributing to the Realization of a Sustainable Society by Conserving Biodiversity in Company-Owned Forests -

Mitsubishi Materials Corporation is pleased to announce that, regarding the certification of "Natural Symbiosis Sites (tentative name)" scheduled to be implemented by the Ministry of the Environment, it will cooperate with a pilot project that includes the certification review process (hereafter "certification demonstration project").
"Natural Symbiosis Sites (tentative name)" is scheduled to start in FY2024 as a system for certifying areas where conservation of biodiversity is sought through private sector and other initiatives. The intention of the certification demonstration project is to start the certification review process without delay, and companies participating in the "30 by 30 Alliance for Biodiversity"(*) will cooperate through activities such as providing information.
We will provide information about our activities in Teine Forest, which is one of our Materials' Forests, as a study case to support the establishment of the certification system for "Natural Symbiosis Sites (tentative name)".

(*) Press release dated April 19, 2022
"Participation in the 30 by 30 Alliance for Biodiversity"

The content of the certification demonstration project takes into consideration official implementation including completion of the application form, preliminary review by the secretariat, and the holding of a review committee meeting by experts. There are two pilot periods, the first half from May to August 2022 and the second half from September to December 2022, and we will participate in the first half. The objective is to implement the certification criteria and review process on a trial basis, identify issues that may arise when the system is actually implemented, and make necessary adjustments for full-scale implementation starting in FY2024.

We own 14,000 ha of forest across Japan and practice forest management and control in consideration of the habitats of animals and plants living there. We will continue to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by striving to obtain OECM (Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures) designation in the future with company-owned forests.

Teine Forest, one of the Materials' Forests (Sapporo, Hokkaido)
Teine Forest, one of the Materials' Forests (Sapporo, Hokkaido)

Teine Forest, one of the Materials' Forests (Sapporo, Hokkaido)

<Contact details for inquiries>
Corporate Communications Dep., Management Strategy Div.,
Strategic Headquarters+81-3-5252-5206