Establish non-polluting system by Mitsubishi Process
Conventional copper smelting employs many different types of stand-alone furnaces: a flash furnace or reverberatory furnace, multiple converting furnaces, and anode furnaces. Molten metal at temperatures typically over 1200°C istransferred between furnaces by using a large ladle and transported by crane in batches.
The Mitsubishi Process for continuous copper smelting uses launders to transport metal between the smelting furnace, slag cleaning furnace and converting furnace, and finally to the anode furnaces. As a result, we have succeeded in creating a process that is continuous rather than batch-based. This approach allows facilities to be more compact, and reduces energy and operation costs. The conventional method leaked sulfur dioxide gas when molten metal was transferred between furnaces using a ladle. The use of launders made the need for ladles obsolete, resulting in a non-polluting system.
Metals Company, Resource Circulation Div.
Naoshima Smelter & Refinery