IR Policy

1.Basic Policy

We disclose information to our shareholders and investors in accordance with the Companies Act, Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and other applicable laws, the Securities Listing Regulations of stock exchange, and any other relevant regulations. We also disclose appropriate information, even when not required to do by applicable laws or Securities Listing Regulations, to help our shareholders and investors have a better understanding of our group.

2.Information Disclosure Methods

We publish the information required to be disclosed by the Securities Listing Regulations through the TDnet of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and our press releases and on our website promptly. Additionally, we will seek to release information other than the above, which we consider beneficial to our shareholders and investors, in a prompt, accurate, and fair manner.

3.Quiet Periods

In order to prevent the leaking of information related to financial results and to ensure fairness of information, we set the period between the day following the closing date of each quarter and the time of the announcement of financial results as quiet periods, during which, in principle, we do not accept questions or provide answers or comments regarding the financial results. Even during quiet periods, however, we provide information as appropriate if we expect any result that differs significantly from financial forecasts that have already been announced.

4.Feedback on Management

We have established a system of regularly reporting opinions and management issues raised by our shareholders and investors in our daily IR activities to the company's Chief Executive Officer and relevant management executives. We have also built a structure of adequately applying opinions and management issues raised by our shareholders and investors to our medium-term management strategies and other measures through the participation of the IR section in the process of formulating such strategies and measures.