Terms of Use

The description on this page applies to the website managed and operated by Mitsubishi Materials Corporation ("this website"). Precautions for accessing this website are described herein.

Copyright and trademark

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Possibility of change in provided information

Mitsubishi Materials provides all information on this website on an "as is" basis and does not guarantee the overall consistency of the information that appears here and reserves the right to modify the contents as needed. The Company accepts no liability for any loss or damage incurred through accessing this website or using information obtained from it.

Notes on links

  1. The external websites that link to or from this website are managed and operated by each respective owner. They are not under the supervision of the Company.
    The Company accepts no liability for any loss or damage incurred through accessing the linked websites.
  2. To link to this website from an external website, advance application is not required, regardless of a company or individual, as long as the following conditions are agreed upon.
    • The Company accepts no liability for any loss or damage incurred through linking to this website.
    • The Company does not guarantee the overall consistency of the information and URLs that appear here and reserves the right to modify the contents as needed.
    • The Company refuses to link to a website that may cause us to incur a loss of social credibility or economic loss. Further, the Company refuses to link to an illegal website or a website that may violate public policy.

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