Inquiry for Compliance and Human Rights

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Please fill in form below.
* Required field

Type of inquiry
Inquiry Detail*

Contact Info.

If you wish to remain anonymous, enter "Anonymous" in the "Name" field.

ex: Taro Mitsubishi
Phone Number
ex: +81 - 31234 - 5678
E-mail Address*
Company Name /
Organization Name

ex: Mitsubishi Materials Corp.
ex: Sales Dept.

The personal information filled in this inquiry form will be handled in accordance to our Privacy Policy. The personal information will be used to respond to your inquiry only.
Depending on the subject, some inquiries may require time to answer. Please note that our reply is only designed to answer your question. Please refrain from reuse or secondary use of all or part of the contents of our answers to the queries.
Depending on the nature of the inquiry we may not always be able to provide an answer.


yHandling of personal informationz

  1. For each field relating to the products and services that the Company handles described below, the customersf personal information is used for the shipment and provision of the products and services, provision of related after-sales services as well as information and materials regarding the products, services, and events (including the sending of catalogues, direct mail and others), requests to respond to surveys regarding the improvement of products and services, drawing of lots performed in campaigns, shipment of free gifts for winners, billing services, and a variety of statistical processing. If each division in the Company has individually notified customers of or has announced the limited utilization purpose, it shall be followed.
  2. The personal information of the Companyfs stockholders is used for the sending of the messages and materials specified in the commercial code and the announcement of a variety of privileges based on the stockholder special benefit plan.
  3. To manage the Companyfs subsidiaries and affiliates, the Company holds a list of their stockholders. The Company may refer to it for the appropriate management of the Mitsubishi Materials Group. Further, the Company may contact the stockholders of the subsidiaries and affiliates.
  4. The personal information of investors and analysts is used for the announcement of a variety of IR explanatory meetings and sending of other messages.
  5. The personal information of recruitment applicants is used for the provision of information regarding recruitment, judgment, announcement of an interview, and notification of acceptance or rejection.
  6. The personal information of the employees and their family members is used for the necessary range of work from the viewpoint of appropriate employment management, such as employment, transfer, promotion, attendance management, wages, personnel evaluation, social insurance procedures, benefits package, training, retirement, and others.

iProducts and services the Company handlesj
Refining, processing, and sales of copper, gold, silver and others, manufacturing and sales of cemented carbide products and high-performance alloy products, manufacturing and sales of advanced materials, electronic components, and chemical products.

Depending on the type of inquiry, if it is determined that it is better to send a reply from the Companyfs subsidiaries and associates or distributors, the userfs personal information may be provided to them as needed. Please provide your personal information with this understanding.

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