MITSUBISHI MATERIALSCopper & Copper Alloy Business

MITSUBISHI MATERIALSCopper & Copper Alloy Business


  1. Fill in form
  2. Confirmation
  3. Finish

Please fill in the form below and submit it.
*Please be sure to input *.

Please enter your inquiry.

Type of inquiry*
Inquiry Product Name*Only "About product" is required
Inquiry Detail*

Please enter your contact information

Phone Number
E-mail Address*
Company Name /
Organization Name*
Country :

We strictly manage the personal information of the customer that you fill in the form. We only use your personal information within the scope of your inquiry.
Regarding response of your inquiry, it may take time. The reply e-mail is sent to individuals. Please note that diverting part or all of this e-mail without our permission or secondarily using it is not allowed under the copyright law.
Also, please understand beforehand there is a case where we cannot response depending on the content.