
June 30, 2015

Japan Petroleum Exploration Co., Ltd.
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, Inc.

Short-Term Flow Test of Geothermal Exploratory Well Conducted in Shibetsu Town, Hokkaido

Japan Petroleum Exploration Co., Ltd., Mitsubishi Materials Corporation and Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, Inc. have been conducting drilling investigation for geothermal power plant in Musadake area since 2013, with the financial support from Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC). In this investigation, we conducted the short-term flow test*1 on the Geothermal Exploratory Well “Musadake SMMG - 2D” drilled in 2014.

The short-term flow test of “Musadake SMMG - 2D” had been conducted for 14 days, from June 12th to June 25th. In this test, we have confirmed 26 tons of steam per hour and 16 tons of hot water per hour*2. We will continue reviewing of commercialization of geothermal power generation in Musadake area.

  • *1:Short term test held to confirm steam and hot water from the well
  • *2:The amount measured on June 25th, 2015

Summary of Exploratory Well “Musadake SMMG - 2D”

(1) Location  :Konsen-Tobu National Forest in Shibetsu Town, Hokkaido, Japan
(2)Drilling Term
August 1st, 2015 - November 29th, 2015
(3)Drilling Depth
Approximately 2,000m (Directional Drilling)
(4)Maximum Temperature inside the Well
333°C(Measured on June 5th, 2015 before the short-term flow test)
【Location of Survey Region】 【Location of Survey Region】
Reference Material】 “Musadake SMMG - 2D” Short-Term Flow Test of “Musadake SMMG - 2D”
(Shot on June 15th, 2015)


  • Japan Petroleum Exploration Co., Ltd.
    (For general matters regarding this investigation)
    Media and Investor Relations Department
  • Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
    Corporate Communications & IR Dept.
  • Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, Inc.
    Corporate Communications Division